Welcome to EASYRIS  2023

The Second East African Community Symposium on Research in Science, Technology and Innovative Studies
(EASYRIS-23) which is scheduled to take place from the 17th to 18th of August, 2023 in the Stunning city of Bujumbura
is implemented through the East Africa Community Alliance for Research and Development Excellence (EACARDE) 

EASYRIS will offer researchers, delegates, and scholars an incredible chance to interact with each other
and share their experience on how to better organize research in EAC institutes.

The goal of Second East African Community Symposium on Research in Science, Technology and Innovative Studies
(EASYRIS) is to provide a stage for researchers and practitioners from academia and business to discuss the hot topics that need
to be engaged in order to achieve sustainable development for the EAC region.

EASYRIS will offer participants the opportunity to interact with industry experts on the recent challenges in scientific research and associated areas.
Leading researchers will share their incredible insights on how to organize and promote a research platform that achieves better results for our EAC region.
EASYRIS is bound to generate a number of new ideas and experiences
that participants, irrespective of who they are (Experienced scientists, seasoned professionals or young scholars at the early stages of their careers)
can derive and make use of in some form of another, towards the advancement of their careers.
For those looking to spread awareness of their incredible research findings and other work,
they will also have the chance to present their papers and articles.

Objective of the Symposium
The Second East African Community Symposium on Research in Science, Technology and Innovative Studies
EASYRIS is revolved into integrating interdisciplinary research topics that are unavoidable for the sustainable development of EAC .

Attending this symposium will help participants sharpen their skills and refine their ideas as well as approaches by meeting
with their peers and counterparts. They will also have the chance to meet experts and high-level delegates,
whereby they can share ideas and research strategies that can be applied to EAC educational institutions