The Symposium program for EASYRIS 2023 will be announced very soon


Symposium Program

EASYRIS 2022 PROGRAM (Theme: Challenges for High Quality Research and Publication in EAC Academic Institutions)

8h30-8h35 Welcome Address by the local organizers representative of EASYRIS
8h35-8h55. Presentation on EACARDE- : A Platform for Connecting Research and Researchers from EAC by Asst. Prof Lewis Nkenyereye
8h55-9h10. Welcome Address by the Representative of the Burundian Ministry of Education
9h10-9h25. Welcome Address by the Representative of the Ministry in Charge of EAC Integration in Burundi
9h25-9h45. Guest Speaker by Prof John Ojur Dennis “Challenges for High Quality Research and Publication in EAC Academic Institutions”
9h45-10h10: Guest Speakerby Prof Eddy Bruno Esien “Foreign University, and Diaspora Academician Challenges to Recruit African Students/Researchers:
Linking Effective Academic Writing Skills and Scientific Journal Publication”
10h10-10h30: Guest Speakerby Dr. Srijana Acharya “Developing Countries Researchers Publishing in Top Journal/Conference : Possibilities and Challenges”
10h30-10h55: Guest Speakerby Dr. Devi Basnet “Developing Countries Researchers Publishing in Top Journal/Conference : Possibilities and Challenges”

Break 5 min
Debate 90 min (11h-12h20)
Theme: “What are the requirement for publication in your country/institution
(Index or Impact factor) and related issues”
Mrs Zipporah Mwangi (PhD Candidate), Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Stève Cédric Bizimana, MOLI, Burundi

Members of the panel (Members in this panel are required to take 5-8 min to explain the requirements for publication both for MS [if any], PhD Candidates
and Faculty Members along with challenges and probable solutions)
Prof Nkunzimana Renovat, University of Burundi
Asst. Prof Adam Juma, University of Juba, Sud Sudan
Prof Jacques Ndagijimana, University of Rwanda, Rwanda
Dr. Deo D. Shao, University of Dodoma, Tanzania
Dr. MWONGEREZA Jean D’Amour, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Prof Godfrey Onyait Omoda, Makerere University, Uganda
Dr. Zola Matuvanga Trésor, , University of Kinshasa, R.D. Congo

Lunch Break (12h20-13h30)

Debate 90 min (13h30-15h)
Theme: “Difficulties of our Overseas PhD or Masters Researchers for research and publication”
Darlene Nicky HAKIZIMANA, University of San Diego, USA
John Mlyahilu, Pukyong National University, South Korea

Members (Members for this panel should take 2-5 min to explain the challenges they had or having for their research and publication and their
advices for candidates that plan to engage in research both in local or overseas institutions)
Nadia Victoria Harerimana, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY,USA
Dr. Kenneth Mollo Otienno, Yemyung University, South Korea
Fabrice Ndayishimiye (PhD Candidate), Keimyung University, Korea
Bayu Begashaw Bekele(PhD Candidate), University of Debrecen, Hungary
Agnes Gisbert Kapinga (PhD Candidate), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
David Muchiri (PhD Candidate), University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Jean Nshimiyimana, Ohio State University, USA
Andre Niyongabo Rubungo (PhD Candidate), Princeton University, USA

Debate 90 min (15h20-17h10)
Theme: “Question and Answers”
Vanessa Ngendakuriyo, Université Senghor à Alexandrie, Egypt
SSIMBWA JULIUS, Korea University, South Korea

Estimated Number of Participants
Those in the conference Hall (around 30 ) and 80 through Zoom
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All the participants are requested to give an oral presentation in English or French

Each presentation lasts around 15 minutes. We will provide laptop and other equipment for the presentation. Presenters should  get their PPT prepared before the conference.

Conference Site Safety Policy

For safety of your properties, please take good care of your belongings in the conference site. The organizing committees will not be held responsible for any damage or loss by way cause whatsoever.

For the safety of participants and properties, please be sure to wear the conference badge in the conference period. And participants are not suggested to carry unrelated people into the conference rooms.
