Keynote Speakers for EASYRIS 2023 to be added very soon

Keynote Speakers for EASYRSIS 2022

Associate Professor John Ojur Dennis

Biography: Assoc. Prof. Dr. John Ojur Dennis received his Ph.D. Degree in Applied Physics from University of Technology Malaysia, Malaysia, in 2001, Master’s Degree in Curriculum Development from the University of Khartoum, Sudan, in 1987, and Bachelor
of Education Degree in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Juba, Juba, South Sudan, in 1982. Currently, Dr. Dennis is not affiliated with any institution. He previously served as a contract lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia, since 2003. He
served as a senior lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Associate Professor in the Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences at University Technology Petronas until the end of his contract in March 2021. Furthermore,
He had previously served at the University of Juba in South Sudan as a teaching assistant from 1987 to 1991 and as lecturer from 1991 to 1997. His current research interest is in Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors, Supercapacitors, Semiconductor Physics and
Technology, Micro-structured and Nanostructured Materials and Devices. Dr. Dennis has obtained numerous research grants, graduated several Ph.D. and M.Sc. students, acquired several patents, received various awards, and presented and published
numerous conference and journal papers, respectively, in renowned conferences and journals

Speech Title:  Challenges for High Quality Research and Publication in EAC Academic Institutions 

Ass. Prof. Dr. Eddy Bruno Esien, Charles University, Czech Republic

Ass. Prof. Dr Eddy Bruno Esien earned his PhD in Public & Social Policy from Charles University (Prague-Czech Republic). He obtained three Master of Social Science Degrees from Tampere University, Tampere- Finland; Johannes Kepler University, Linz-Austria; and Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius-Lithuania and one Bachelor of Science Degree from Johannes Kepler University, Linz-Austria. Currently, he is an Asst. Prof. and a lecturer for Public & Social Policy at Charles University in Prague -Czech Republic
He has received several Fellowships, academic awards, and grants as a research program leader (e.g., to Finland, Austria, Lithuania, Germany, North Macedonia, Spain, Hungary, Netherlands, and England) for academic networking, international professional and institutional development. He was a Visiting Professor and Guest Lecturer at the Donau University, Krems-Austria, University of Applied Science, Linz-Austria, University of Applied Science, Vilnius-Lithuania and STIAMI Institute, Jakarta-Indonesia etc. He has supervisor students work in bachelor’s and master’s programmes. He has accomplished 5+ research projects resulting in 19+ national/international conference presentation and 12+ publications in national and international double-blinded peer-reviewed WOS-indexed and SCOPUS-indexed etc. professional scientific journals, including The NISPACee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, DANUBE: Law, Economics and Social Issues Review, and Journal of Governance and Public Policy etc. Dr Esien is the author of the article “Decision making, Interest Intermediation, and Value” (Austria, 2020), co-author of “The Effect of Public Accountability and Transparency on State Financial Management Mechanism” (Jakarta 2022), author of the policy briefs “Shared-knowledge, Transparency, and Accountability in Enabling State-Society Relation Governance on Covid-19 Resilience Building Societies” (Greece 2020), author of the book chapter “Contracting Obligation, Individual autonomy, and Sanction in Targeting Benefits” (London 2021), author of the book review “Jozefien Van Caebeghem. 2019. Legal Aspects of Ethnic Data Collection and Positive Action” (Finland 2021) and author of the upcoming article “Participation, Principles, and Leadership in Intergovernmental Organization-Civil Society Collaborative Governance in Africa” (2022) etc.

Speech title: Foreign University, and Diaspora Academician Challenges to Recruit African Students/Researchers: Linking Effective Academic Writing Skills and Scientific Journal Publication

Dr Srijana Acharya, Kongju National University, South Korea

Biography: Dr. SRIJANA ACHARYA received the B.S. degree in computer application from MCRP University, India, in 2003, and the M.S. degree in information and communication engineering and the Ph.D. degree in digital convergence business from Yeungnam University, in 2014 and 2021, respectively. She received various scholarships for her M.S. and Ph.D. studies. She is currently a Seniorl Research Fellow with the Department of Convergence Science, Kongju National University, South Korea. Her research interests include webometrics, open data, data security, SNS security, SNS analysis, knowledge management, and digital convergence.

Speech Title: Developing Countries Researchers Publishing in Top Journal/Conference : Possibilities and Challenges

Dr. Devi Basnet, Medytox, Inc, South Korea

Biography: Dr. Devi Basnet is highly motivated and ambitious Ph.D. graduate with over 13 years of experience of R&D in pharmaceutical industry. His areas of expertise include molecular and cellular  biology, antibody engineering, phage/yeast display platforms, antibody therapeutics development, bioinformatics related to gene and protein analysis, and biosynthesis of  secondary metabolites from bacterium and Streptomyces genetics. Dr. Devi has excellent  communication skills and has led many research projects and work effectively both independently and as part of a team.


Speech Title: A perspective of science and technology in a developing country: an option or necessity in 21st century